FAU - Fagligt Arkæologisk Udvalg (subject-relevant archaeological committee)

FAU is responsible for the subject-relevant events of Ottar. Amongst others this includes Aktuel Orientering and Ottar's Debate and Presentation Group.

Aktuel Orientering - current orientation

No more guilt before a Friday bar!

Aktuel Orientering is a series of presentations by and for students held prior to the Friday bar of Arken, two presentations per event, each 20 minutes.

The topics vary from prehistoric to historic archaeology, from subject-relevant hobbies to study-related topics, so there's something for everyone.

The presentations are usually held by students themselves – so if you want to try dissemination in a kind and casual environment, feel free to contact the represantatives. 

Aktuel Orientering used to be organised by a few of the senior students, but has since become a committee and is now part of FAU.

Steering group

Frida Lillemose

Merit Lenk

Poul Hounsvad

Sanne Yding Feddersen




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